The Dialog Tree: Interviews With Creators Within The Video Game Industry

Review: Creature in the Well

Little Fella Media

Roger and Christian review Creature in the Well.

The Tip and the Top:

  • Strikingly unique concept that works surprisingly well
  • Intelligent level design that toys with game mechanics to keep things fresh
  • Intriguing setting and story that let you do the discovering

The Flip and the Flop:

  • Levels and sections are frequently reused
  • The lack of explanation surrounding gameplay components is frustrating
  • A confusing map makes navigation disorienting
  • An inconsistent sprint function makes some sections harder than they should be
  • The lack of return to town option can lead to getting outright stuck

Final Grade: B-

Review copy provided by Popagenda

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Music by:

Dee Yan-Key - Symphonia Catharina